Toshiba CD-ROM XM-6502B

When I first got the computer, this drive was able to read CD-RW's just fine.

Although I haven't been using it often, the drive works quite well.

However, recently I noticed that it cannot read CD-RW's anymore. Does anyone know what caused this issue?

Are there any firmware updates available that will fix this issue?

Thanks for the help.
Hey there kryptic

i got a Toshiba XM 6402B, a little older than yours maybe - but - what generally happens withmy drive is it has intermitent problems reading cdrs burnt at 12 speed or higher AND cdrws burnt at high speed. But they generally work fine if i burn them at a lower speed

However - I only experienced these problems after moving platforms to XP. (maybe there is a firmware fix - i havnt checked)

if you're saying it only affects cdrws - then the following might not even apply to you. . .

it might possibly be a slightly lowered wattage feed to your cdrom
this could be a result of recabling (sharing the same power cord with a device that constantly draws power - eg fans) or recently have new hardware installed

it could even be related to the cd recording software you installed (if you have done so so lately)

or - maybe your drive is about to give up ? maybe you should consider exchanging it with your computer supplier
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