Tool for Mp3 balance?

"News (30 Oct 2002)
Version 0.9.7 Beta available. No new features, but I have "cleaned up" the GUI to make it a little more friendly for new users. (Most noticable change-- "Radio" Gain has been changed to "Track" Gain).
Oh, and I also removed one of the external file dependencies that was causing some problems for WinXP users.
This is the last "Beta" before the official 1.0 release. I know I've said this for the last two releases, but I really mean it this time... I think ;)
Does someone want to re-compile the Linux version with the latest source (available below)? I don't have a Linux box myself right now..."

not to muddle up the topic - but if you would like to burn your own compilation cd's as waves you can use wavegain. it works on the same principle as mp3gain except for waves. the last compile cd i made i had to turn the volume up and the whole cd. wavegained the next one and all the songs play at the same volume level. no more volume +/-

get it here with a frontend and all. near the bottom of page
it is speek's frontends. other interesting and stuff there also

please note that you cannot un-wavegain your wave files. too much data to keep track of. so once you wavegain them you are stuck with it

i am going to start using mad to decode and wavegain to level them out. will post the results when finished

any comments please post...
(edit) spelling
If you decode and introduce clipping in the process, then wavegain can't correct this, and to prevent clipping is also the goal of any replaygain based app.