That nintendo "megaton" announcement

ok, i've done as much digging as i can into what nintendo is planning for this announcement, there has been much rumour and speculation as to what it may be, well, i cant give a cast iron garuentee this is 100% accurate as nintendo are being VERY tightlipped about this (they want to rock the gaming world). but.....

supposedly it is a new hardware launch that will be earth shattering, well... not earth shattering but it is certainly VERY significant, the gameboy advance is getting a big brother :) scheudled for a may 2003 launch the game handy (not final name) combines the portability of the gameboy advance with a backlit screen and a 7-10 hour battery life, ok, so thats nothing too special, but here is the trick, this new portable can hook up to the gba (and gba2) BUT its light years ahead of the competition and will affect us all, nintendo's handhelds have always had a huge market and this £120 unit is going to be no exception.

so what is it and why is it such good news? well how many times have you looked at all the software available for the gba and wished that you could get a library like that for you gamecube? well, from may you can as nintendo launch their latest handheld console.... a (reportedly region free) handheld gamecube, the mini dvd's slot into the back of the machine and you can play them on the move, then when you get home you can play them on your home gamecube, reports suggest that this new console will save games to sd cards and that you will be able to buy a sd card adaptor to use the same cards on your home cube.

combined with nintendo's sudden decision to "assist" datel with their freeloader it opens the way to region free gaming on your home cube and a massive boost in the number and range of software titles available for the cube.

as i say this is the best info i can get on this but if its correct then it realy will be their promised "megaton" announcement.