SwiftAVS -make scripts easy

SwiftAVS ;)

easy scripts for your encodes,tools like "preview" and more,
very easy to use :


and the best : free

growing faster,very cool.

new version 1.0


- Dust V5
- NoMoSmooth
- FieldDeinterlace for all NTSC sources
- MOD2 Cropping
- MOD4 Resizing
- Automatic input source detection
- Automatic aspect-ratio detection
- Switch AviSynth version from within SwiftAVS (automatic detection of your operating system)
- FluxSmooth
- Convolution3D
- CNr2 (Chroma Noise Reducer)
- Blockbuster
- Subtitles (either bitmaps or text)
- AVSmon (monitor)

ToBe Done:

- Capability to store and recall your settings
- SansGrip's Sampler (or sampler and a slider)
- Templates for most common configurations
- TemporalCleaner
- More settings for Convolution3D
- MarcFD's resizers
- More resize options for GripFit (filter, resolution slider, letterbox)
- TemporalSoften
- TemporalSmoother
- MergeChroma
- MergeLuma
- MSharpen
- Unfilter
- Filters Sequence
- Detailed Error Messages
