Surething Cd Labler Ver 3.01

Hi All
I have downlaoded the SureThing CD Labeler Deluxe v.3.01 Retail from the Cd Labler Section of cdrsoft. I now have downloaded it twice and find it has a crc error in the setup file. I managed to get the setup file and tried to install it but it has I/0 error and wont install. Can some one please upload this again...
Or Does anyone know a url where I can get the Retail Version From to Try Out..

Thanking You All
Regards Wiseowl
stcd delux labeler

hi albysimmo here maybe i can help you now. i renamed file 222 to unzipped it and it installed no bother even used patch to update to v3.01 in your case there is two answers to your problem 1. between you d/loading your last stcd and me d/loading my first the programme files could of been fixed 2. i had obtained a MEMOREX cd label maker and it was already installed when i started to instal stcd inoticed that it was trying to instal to the same folder. it was then that i clicked on it was part of the same firm any way i carried on now i have both progs working from the same folder so i think the answer to 2. is the stcd prog has been fixed or maybe the missing files were in the MEMOREX prog and stcd used them. hope you can resolve your problem
regards silverfox:)