Steinberg DVD Movie Copy Suite v6.5 ??????

Has any tried this software yet?

Steinberg DVD Movie Copy Suite v6.5

I Looks like this is a true 1:1 copy..

Let me know, I've included some screen shots..


And what new about it?
VOB (as it is their software) was doing in in the last two versions (I believe). Also Nero does DVD copy.
But remember about two layers?

steinberg works ???????



yep i tried this software using "queen of the damned"

on a AMD AHTLON1400 with 512mb memory

It took 11 hrs 28 12mins to complete

another 55 mins to burn

producing a good quality picture from 8 gig to 3,8

no menues though unfortunately

it recorded the italian soundtrack instead

of the english one unfortunately

i don't speak italian unfortunately

so unfortunately not too good

:confused: confused too right

lifes a bitch: then you marry one