Some SD2 info

Settings for sd2 reading:

x4 read
fast error skip,settings
Error correction"software",read retries"0 if it fails use "3"
*subchannel data from data tracks on
*intelligent bad sector scanner on
*- use only if your copy fails
x4 write
AWS Enabled if you have a writer that cannot duplicate SD2
always close last sesion...

There is a topic further down on this page which tells you how too get around sd 2.80.010, wether its works with sd 2.70.10 is something I am not sure of. Diskdump will not work on my PC I have the identical hardware as in writers/readers as my m8 yet it works for him. Maybe I need to kill the aspi layer reboot install the aspi layer from new and then do another reboot and hopefully it should work
Discdump works with all versions of safedisc from the original safedisc 1 right through to safedisc 2.8x. (And yes I used it to copy Mafia which is safedisc 2.7x.)
philamber said:
Discdump works with all versions of safedisc from the original safedisc 1 right through to safedisc 2.8x. (And yes I used it to copy Mafia which is safedisc 2.7x.)

All well and good if you have a compatible or SD2 "KILLER" burner not all burners are capable of burning ALL safedisk 2 versions ... Problems arise at version 2.5x onwards with a lot of non compatible burners !? :(
VIPER_1069 said:
All well and good if you have a compatible or SD2 "KILLER" burner not all burners are capable of burning ALL safedisk 2 versions ... Problems arise at version 2.5x onwards with a lot of non compatible burners !? :(
True enough, though if you've got a writer that works with AWS, you might be able to use discdump and then burn the image with blindwrite with "Enhance weak sectors" checked.
NavySEALer said:
is there a list of compatible burners which will are able to support safedisk 2.5x and on?
Not many writers are able to correctly write SD2 above 2.51.Liteon's above 24X write speed(and their clones),and Asus should write it without AWS.Post your writer here,somebody should know.;)
Alright then, thanks for the previous info.

My CD-RW is an NEC NR-7800A (it came standard with my Dell Dimension 8100 desktop computer) and my DVD, CD-RW is a Liteon DVD-Rom LTD163 (also came standard). I'm not too sure it's SD 2.5x and up compatible cause some backup copies I try to make won't work!

For example, I'm having trouble trying to make a backup copy of my Sims expansions... I'm able to copy an image with Clone CD 4 and then use it's virtual clone drive to play it, but I can't copy the image to a CD. It will install, but not play. I've also tried to use Alcohol 120% (not too familiar with the program) and thru the image process, it tells me there are errors, so I don't know what to say about that considering that, after looking at the forums, Alcohol has such a great rating, but I dunno what to say... any help?
Okay,that writer needs AWS for safedisc2,I know that for a fact.For SD2 above 2.50 you should use Discdump for image,and Fireburner to write.Your Liteon is an excellent reader.The read errors are the protection on the cd when creating an image.If you open the read log you should see bad sectors from approx. 800 to 10,100.

Sims Unleashed is New Securom I believe.Only Blindwrite for backup,or emulation will work with it.

Attached is Safedisc analyser to tell you what version you have.;)

