
will mess about with this over the weekend rasta thanks bud :)
sounds not bad for something thats freeware too YES FREE you heard it F R E E lol :)

by the makers of ultra iso :)

more info to wet yer appetite folks :)

Uses SoftDisc, you may achieve:

1. copy the compact disc from CD-ROM to ISO image document.
2. The compact disc image document resource management, may manage the ISO documents with tree manner
3. Integrates the UltraISO/WinISO compact disc image document edition tool, realization:
a) make ISO document from hard disk, compact disc, and network disk files.
b) extract document or folder from the ISO document.
c) edits lots of ISO document format (such as Nero Burning ROM, Easy CD Creator, Clone CD created compact disc image document).
d) make bootable ISO document.
4. Integrates the Daemon-Tools CD-ROM simulation tool, realization:
a) supports up to 4 CD/DVD virtual drives.
b) supports Safedisc, Securom, the Laserlok simulation, may play protected compact disc game.
c) has the simulation audio CD, Windows auto-mount and other cool characteristics.

SoftDisc system request:

Windows XP, Windows 2000, ME, 98, 98SE, 95, OSR2 or Windows NT4.0 SP5+ operating system .

Intel Pentium 166mHz or above.

64M memory.

At least 10M free hard disk space .


The SoftDisc main characteristic includes :

1, integrated multitudinous outstanding compact disc tool, and carefully carries on the tailor for software and the game users, may say is the disc tool " dream combination ".
2, the host window and the system tray twin operation user interface, the powerful function and the convenience use will fuse in together.
3, the multistage directory structure compact disc document resource management.
4, uses the API programming technology, seamless links up with various tools.
5, the graph user interface, with ease completes the mount/unmount/eject/load/browse of virtual CD Drive image.
6, the user may own define the compact disc document structure, and add/delete/rename resources document.
7, use the compact disc document quick key definition, thus fast visits image resource.
8, the user may choosing the UltraISO/WinISO compact disc document edition tool.
9, compact disc image document operation through Drag & Drop.
10, supports the Windows automatic start (AutoRun).
11, the convenience system tray, completes each kind of operation with ease

update log :-

SoftDisc revision history:

5, Februray 26, 2003 SoftDisc 1.55 released
+) Integrates newest version UltraISO V5.55
+) Integrates newest version Daemon-Tools 3.29
+) Support SPTI interface on Windows 2000/XP
+) More friendly trayicon operation(left mouse button clicks)
*) Fixed newly added image file does not save problem when mainwindow is minimized
*) Some minor bugs Fixed

How much does it give you if you don't have the other (non-free) tools that it "integrates"?

Oops, I see it does mention Daemon Tools, so that covers mounting and reading the image formats tht can handle.

I may be a terrible cynic, but it could be little more than a marketing ploy
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