how's it going today?!?!!?!
well im glad to say that i have successfully backed up two of my DVD's!!!!
i used the tutorial by Laz (
i followed it to the T until the burning part. I had to use NERO express that came with the burner package. we had Roxio six but i didn' t quite understand the DVD builder that comes with that software. i don't know if Roxio 6 is practical for backing up DVD's or not. i tried to use BurnatOnce as he suggested to no avail. this is on my father's pc mind you. he has XP and a new NEC dvd-rw drive. the NEC is rather slow and during the burn process i couldn't exceed a speed of 2.4x. supposedly the system couldn t keep up with the burner. i believe was the explanation NERO gave.
im in the process of trying to locate a Plextor drive right now. from what ive read, they seem to be the most favored. i want to install it on my system (OS: windows ME, older processor and 256kram ) i kno w that ME won't allow over the 4gig files size , but to be honest with you, i don't thinx it's necessary. we backed up The Good, Bad, & Ugly and compressed to Level 7 with DVDshrink and i couldn't tell the diff. i realize that to back them up to perfection you need the large files size capabilities but for now im satisfied. does anyone know perhaps why burnatonce wouldn' twork on xp. is there some bug. it kept sending errors that there wasn't enuff space on the dVD's for the data. with NERO express i just went to the DVD video option and it automatically opened a window for the Audio and Video_TS files. i added my movie files and burned away, but i did have a problem burning onto DVD+RW. the process would get all the way to the end and error out at like 99% complete. windows media player would play it but the DVD player(sanyo) for the TV wouldn't. the only succes i had was with DVD+r's at 2.4x w/NEROxpress.
thanx LAZ and forum!