Safedisc 2.xx

I've just downloaded Age of Mythology (FLT release). I burnt the game with Alcohol 120% (build 1017) and safefisc 2 profile on a Lite-On 40125 which is Safedisc compliant.
But at the end, I still need a no-cd crack...
Can anyone tell me where I'm wrong ?

If this is a FLT release the wanted EXE will be on the disk searchthe disk with find files and look for *.exe files ! :)
Fairlight take out the copy protection when they rip there releases m8 so its not a "perfect" copy and therefore you need the no cd crack.
Thanks :)

No problem to find the crack ;) Just wanted to know if I were wrong during the burning process 'coz I need this crack to run the game.

Thanks for your answers !
