Run-time Error '6'.

Hi darkavalanche and welcome to the forums

Thanks for letting us know how you got on and I will presume you did delete just the DVDStripper entries (or else you wouldn't be here :D)

cheers ;)

:EDIT:, I see I welcomed you before and at least you got it working from your previous post ;)


New member
i like dvds and strippers

hi everyone,
i was trying to copy king arthur when i got this error.
i tried deleting the registry file, didn't work for me. none of my vob's are 2gb, my largest being 879mb of 152 files which total 7.88gb.

some of the other things i've tried include updating ifoedit from 0.95 to 0.96 and finally to 0.971. i also tried cleaning dvd and ripping it again which was suggested somwhere. so then i ripped it with just dvd decrypter 3.51, but when i tried to shrink it with both dvd shrink 3.2 and also 2.3, they failed both at 95% [Invalid nv_pck: nv_vobu_ea]. so i tried just shinking directly from the dvd, which failed at the same spot with the same error. next i tried to rip just the movie with dvd decrypter, but when i tried to shrink it, dvd shrink kept asking for the other files, which eventually had me using all the files from the dvd anyway. being very frustrated now, i decided to install my dvd rom [not a pioneer which people seem to have probs with], deleted king arthur and ripped troy, and tadaaa, stripper was working grrreat.

so i went back to work on king arthur with some confidence. i tried again, ripping and everything, getting the same crappy results. so i tried re-authoring with shrink, where i found that the extras were listed as the main movie and the main movie not listed at all. so i looked around under the full disc view and found it's actually under unreferenced material. is that what you meant by dvd structure MackemX? if so i guess that could be our problem. i also stripped hero and bourne supremacy with no errors, so it's not every new dvd.

i wanna take some time here to thank all you people for caring enough to still be reading this post.

my problem... i got 2 versions of king arthur ripped to my drive, one by stripper, the other by dvd decrypter [i guess thats decrypter for both], and it looks like i'm gonna have to double shrink this one.
help me get this dvd burned off please...

i like dvd stripper. thanks for sharing your work.