Rippin Audio From DVD

Ive got a Concert on DVD and want to rip the sound to put it on CD
I suppose i could record it with total recorder or is there a quicker way ?
I need quality results.


I would say RIP the VOBS to hard drive then use DVD2AVI or similar in this case it IS .. DVD2AVI for conversion ......Choose the 1st VOB or where you wish to grab audio from and then you get 2 tracks one D2V file and a WAV file or a single video track D2V and a wav audio file and the wav which you all know how to cut and make to mp3s :)

surely !? :)

easy huh !? :D
Most music DVD's have each song in a Chapter. So try ripping just Chapter 1 to the DVD, then use DVD2AVI to Decode out the audio as a WAV file. Test it and if thats the case, then just rip each Chapter to its own folder and extract the WAV from each, then burn as individual tracks to an Audio CD. I have done this many times with great sucess.
Ok i was almost there thanks chickenman for the additional input :)

Im not that up on dvd tricks and programs and not everyone does things the same way?! as chickeman is our resident GURU here listen to him he knows his stuff :)
Thats a good way of putting it viper

CM perhaps U should get a Royal appointment Badge

"By Appointment To Her Most Britannic Majesty Guru On All Matters Purtaining To The Ripping Encoding & Burning Of The Motion Picture"

Sort of like the Poet Laureate but for movies etc ;):)
hi spider,
do you need quality?

really good,.....follow CM .

little hint:
if you not select all musics from one musical,
after Decode out the audio as a WAV file,
open each track wav in your audio editor,
use fadein/out in each music, save and burn.

you will got better transitions.
Youll get a good quality with a total recorder too--just ripit to ogg with high btr and youll be fine!!!:) But for audiofile way go with CM. advice--as always!!
Yeah, i ripped it to ogg and it was fine but couldnt open ogg file in wavelab, had to use samplitude.
i would rather use wavelab, is there a plugin or something so it will read ogg files ?
is ogg better than lame? i couldnt tell the difference.