Rip DVDs without a DVD ROM?

maby i should of edited that post sooner or at least proof read it........ as it seems like im contradicting myself doh ! before ya all start up again it should read .....

F.y.i "dvdoncd" is a way of distributing upto 1 hr of " low quality near dvd film productions " on normal cdrs i read this info about 4am under the influence of erm fizzy falling down water and my notes were a bit illiterate doh !! maby i should not drink and operate hi - tech machinery !!!

the program with the posted serial is marked as "DVDONCD" so i searched with google and found articles on this matter and made notes altho scrawly and not very clear and posted here today without checking apologies to joripe im not really that thick i posted earlier that dvd data is hi density and obviously cannot be read with a normal lazer unit in a cd rom drive !!! :D
@ dxkim best post I've seen here for a long while mate aint sure what it means but what the hell it looks good LOL:D
these are my topics :p
i hope my english is good enough to explain these difficult topics
event horizont:
that's just the border of a black hole. everything inside that border can't get out anymore.
a quant is the indivisible unit of electromagnetic waves (for example light)
and the singularity is behind the event horizon of a black hole because it's immense mass curves the space-time to infinity, that results in the inexistence of time.
so a quantum singularity must be a extremly small singularity that influences in any way the physical properties of that area, but it's not really logical. i never heard about that in the context of real physics, only in something like star trek , ....
I was being sarcastic!
Nice explanation though.
As u say I know most of this stuff as I watch Startrek!
Its all real you know!!??!!

He He!!lol!!

Einsteins theory might be wrong

some scientist found a quasar which movements couldn't be explained by Einsteins theorie but could only be explained by the fact that the quasar was moving faster then the speed of light

yeah that's what i know, i only used a dictionary to get the right english words, cause i'm german
yes i think i could explain it but not in all details
basically it means that the physical rules are the same for everyone, independant of their movent/speed ...
that means for example that the speed of light is the same for one person travelling towards it with a very high speed, and for one person travelling away from it, both would measure 300000 km/s
but that causes that the time isn't universal (the same for everyone) --> time is slower for a person travelling with a higher speed
another point is that the gravitation is a result of the curvature of the 4-dimensional space-time bacause of masses
--> (we let the 4. dimension away and think only of 2 space dimensions and 1 time) think of a rubber cloth and all the masses are balls, every ball creates hollow and other balls can rotate around it with a specific speed. like the moon around the earth. a black hole is then when the ball was too heavy and there is a hole (you have to imagine that the hollow the ball created before it fell through stays there) the circle of the hole itself is the event horizon and everything below it can't get out anymore
another important point of the theory of relativity is the connection between energy and mass ( E=mc² ). if you want to increase somethings speed you have to use energy and that energy you have given to it increases its mass so to get something to the speed of light you need an infinite amount of energy --> it is impossible. an important result of the equality of mass and energy is that you can get really much energy if you convert mass to energy that's the power source of a nuclear bom or power plant, because every molecule consists of some protons and some neutrons (the electrons around are unimportant) . but the mass of a mulecule is a bit smaller then the mass you get when you add the number of neutrons and protons. the mass defect is energy ! that energy is needed that the particles stay together, but if you split up a big molecule into two smaller ones some energy is left over (that is the power of a nuclear bomb or a nuclear power plant)
pooh ... i think that is enough for you
ps: the theory isn't valid in the "world" of quantums !
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e=mc2 again

Like I said be4, the therie might be wrong.

I found this on the news 2 day

Some australian scientists found a quasar which movements seemed 2 show that the c (which is the equal 2 the speed of light, and which is supposed to be constant) isn't constant.
This seems like a small thing, but believe me, physics won't be the same anymore if this is true

yeah they won't be anymore like that but i'd like to get some more informations about that quasar they found
you got a link ?


Physics 101
Damn...and I thought I was the only nerd here!

Theoretical Physics on a "Rip DVDs without a DVD ROM?" thread. :rolleyes:

BTW, what is "Star Trek?" ;)

SUCOP-SUCOH...should have read the text file! Oh well, I'll save my lengthy dissertation (the one on page 2) for the next crazy person who claims this can be done...and really means it ;)
and the earth really isnt flat its square !? honest er yeah lmao !
hey @ daveml why have they chosen the new S-TREK movie name to be NEMESIS !? did they play res evil 3 on the holo-deck !? dont quote s-treck to me mate im not a trekkie btw lol !!! just wondered as thats prolly also gunna be the name of the obvious sequel to the RES EVIL film out now !:D
daveml said:
That looks like a load of HOCUS POCUS to me ! :D

Come on guys, lighten up a bit, we all know its impossible for a CDROM to read a DVD !

dxkin, good post however. Not sure if I could spell all that backwards though :D


ChickenMan said:
Come on guys, lighten up a bit, we all know its impossible for a CDROM to read a DVD ! that what we were talking about?! I thought I was on the Mr. Spock lovers forum :rolleyes:
I'm fairly confident I understand Einstein's theory of relativity (although I don't entirely agree with it). I've read Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" and am currently writing a follow-up "for Dummies". I also contributed to the development of the Mandlebrot Set.

But I learned the most about quantum physics from watching many forms of Star Trek. That guy with the things that said the stuff was really cool.

best riddle ever yet

I see you all know a lot of everything...


can you tell me what's in my pocket?

( I know this isn't mine but hey... you have to have read the book to be able to answer this one...):p
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This thread reminds me of the proverbial hand sized swowball the was rolled down the steep banks of a snowy hill.

By the time it got to the bottom, it was much, MUCH LARGER... :rolleyes: