Daveml you wrote:
“I have to say this thread is turning into the Nero thread u were posting in last week”
Well you turning it this way, not me, i just looking for answers (which you can not give) to my questions! Also next time please read carefully the threads (inclusive this thread) before you form an idea. In Nero thread I was writing my knowledge about Nero and Kugmo´s nescience and impotence to answer to a simple question made him absurd, and pleased for Pokopiko´s help! (He was writing like an expert and he never used Nero) But even then I was carefully with my words (he wasn´t) and i tried to relate (when he asking from you to close the thread)! After that I tested RNM and posted my results (to a new thread) to have a better argument! So daveml reading carefully you will not be: "totally devoid of substance and point."
MurderOne you wrote:
“I am sticking to chickenmans guides too”
Have you tried with my way and you found any complexity? (If yes, what?) Or you make an adverse criticism without testing it? Or you just toady for a good place in Chickenmans heart? But you are free like me to use what you want, and my aim was to help!
1- PM me and ill send you these dll s.
2 - When I ask for more details I mean something more like that you wrote (use subrip to extract your subs,then open vobsub....canopus...etc,..get?) Thank you anyway!
3- You wrote: “without CM wise, I never do a vcd or svcd!”
Well you must be happy that CM exists and make all the work for you. You don’t even need to think, CM doing this for you! After you made your (S) VCD you must be proud that you made it all alone!
About the tutorial you deleted, you have right I have no permission but I didn’t made a hint that was mine and at the end I published the author!
Now about all these you wrote (about CCE, Procoder, Converting ….)
This is the first satisfactory and logically answer I take in this thread!
Thank you for that! Thank you that you don’t see my attempt, as a competition but as a second search! But can you tell me please, with arguments, for someone he has all the basic assumptions (ntfs…..) is that not simple to make his (S)VCDs?