Removing Cd Copy Protection?

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Yeah, just use something like WinISO to add a crack, after all a crack is just an original EXE with the protection removed. Much better to leave the protection intact though.
@stone_burner agreed.......and just to add to this its acceptable in cases/countrys that a 1:1 copy is not illegal for personal usage providing you own the original ... but cracking /hacking or modifying the original code as is with most cracks then this is the breach in copywrite procedure as you are circumventing the disks protection whereas a 1:1 you copy the protection along with the copy :)

But...... its still piracy/illegal whichever way you look at things :(
Is It Legal to Copy Computer Software ?

You should be aware that under United States Copyright Law you have the right to make archival backups of your computer software, even if your license agreement states that you may not make copies for any reason.
The federal Copyright Act overides any State law when that law conflicts with the intentions of the Copyright Act. The federal Copyright Act specifically allows you to make archival copies of computer software.

You should also be aware that you are obligated to obey the rest of the terms of the license agreement. United States law concludes that the terms of a shrink-wrap license agreement are generally valid, if the purchaser has a full opportunity to read the license.

The United States District Court has ruled that software purchasers may make fully functional backups of their software, even if that software was copy-protected.

The United States District Court has ruled that programs which defeat copy protection are legal since they have an acceptable legal use in making archival backups of copy-protected computer software.

To see the rest Visit here.
Tommy said:
The United States District Court has ruled that software purchasers may make fully functional backups of their software, even if that software was copy-protected.

The United States District Court has ruled that programs which defeat copy protection are legal since they have an acceptable legal use in making archival backups of copy-protected computer software.
No problem legally about making a copy for back-up purposes nor in circumventing the copy protection so long as you don't modify the program.

You cannot, however, modify the program (i.e. use a crack) and use the modified program without the permission of the author/copyright holder irrespective of anything in the EULA (and somehow I just don't think you'll get that permission ;) even if you're silly enough to ask :p ).

[The only real exception to this is for open-source soft, but, of course, open source soft ain't copy protected.]
Well, See I got this game. MW4. That you have to use an emulator to play. On top of that you have to have a full install of the game. (1.2gb) It's a safedisc v2 protection.
Viper_182 said:
Well, See I got this game. MW4. That you have to use an emulator to play.
Why do you need an emulator to play? Safedisc 2 is no big deal to copy if you (or one of your m8s) have the right hardware.

What writer do you have?
Well, I'm not worryied about if my Drive can copy SD2. But I dled the game off of eMule. I don't know who ripped it or anything.
Sorry Viper but if U d/l from emule then it's warez & we can't help U with that

We want 2 keep the forum going & helpin folk with warez will do us nothing but harm

Sorry pal but it for the best

Could an admin close this thread please


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