sergio said:
It's easy guys :
if you're logged as an admin, let's say that the account is named
Launch regedit
Choose the entry you want to delete
Go to the menu "edit" choose "authorizations" add the sergio_admin account and give it the rights "total control" then you will be able to delete the entry in the register.
Hope this helps
I logged on as admin and i have in the permissions field "full control"...but when i try to delete or edit the subkey i posted i got the error msg...
@banzibaby, checkin it out now.More info on what happened 2 make U want 2 delete the reg key would help.Back in a bit while i check da site
Just unistalled the prog cause don"t use it anymore, think that in the data subkey has the registration info....
@scarecrow, The only way to remove these entires ((if safe mode did not work) is ERD Commander
Today i tried ERD Commander 2002, with the built-in RegEditor u can edit only the Hkey_Classes_Root and Hkey_local_Machine keys, mine is in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ASVzzz\TheFly\data.
So, still i"m unable to delete this entry.... just wondering how the hell is locked?