Red Hat Linux 8.0 on VMWare 3.2 workstation

Hi solaris,
thanks for reply, I just install Red Hat in text mode... but after installation i'm not enable to configure it for graphics mode... the autodetect doesn't find nothing.... :(

....what can i do??

Thanks Flo
XWindows wont run as VMWare tools have probably not been installed and configured. When you first Run VMWARE goto the HELP menu and search on Installing VMWare tools in Linux. It will tell you how to uncompress and run the install scripts.
Once that has been done restart the VMWare session login as root (or a user) and run STARTX.

Hope this helps in some way.

P.S. When you exit the X Windows session you will get errors, I think this is because the tools havent been optimized for RedHat 8 (if thats the distro you are using).

nIKnAK5 said:
XWindows wont run as VMWare tools have probably not been installed and configured. When you first Run VMWARE goto the HELP menu and search on Installing VMWare tools in Linux. It will tell you how to uncompress and run the install scripts.
Once that has been done restart the VMWare session login as root (or a user) and run STARTX.

Hope this helps in some way.

P.S. When you exit the X Windows session you will get errors, I think this is because the tools havent been optimized for RedHat 8 (if thats the distro you are using).

Thanks 4 explain me this solutions, :) but i'm not in this case... i must install linux on vmware.
My host operative system is win2000!!:D