Recover WEP key


To access a wlan, someone typed in the key for me on my computer (128 bit wep key).

Is there a way I can see it? I just can't find a way to learn it... I've tryed google but it always return me some info on cracking wep keys, which is not what I want to...

Anyone have an idea? Thanx
Check the documentation that came with the wireless router or the access point to see how to verify the SSID is broadcasting and WEP is enabled and what the key is. If you don't have the manual, you can check the mfg website for online documentation.
LTR12101B said:
If it's starred out where you could re-enter it, you could try:
No idea if it'll work in that situation, but it certainly works on my long-forgotten email passwords.

A rather scary tool in the wrong hands!
I've tryed another tool similar (SnadBoy's Revelation v2) but it gave me "??????" and Password Reveal gave me "Wireless network key"...

Thanx for the idea!
Try booting with Knoppix Live Linux CD and run AirSnort or some such wireless sniffer. It will show the key after an hour or so of traffic.
If you know the password of your router,you can go to the configuration tab wireless-->wep,the key should be listed there.....
My wifi card isn't working with airsnort and others (I cannot scan with it)...

Since its not my router I don't have access to it...

The best I've found so far would be to use a keylogger before entering the key...
Nunyobiznes said:
Sounds like somebody is poaching some free signal from a neighbor.
You just didn't understand a thing I said.

The key is saved in the computer. I'm not scanning a neighborhood's wlan to access it, and I've already said it.
Well, if that's true, then all you need to do is ask the person who own the router to give you the key. If you're not poaching then the person should have no problem at all giving it to you. That is by far the easiest way to get it. If you have to go through all these other efforts to obtain the key it makes it look very suspicious. Don't take it like it's a personal attack chief. Letters on a screen can't properly convey the emotion of a thought. Even with the stupid smiley's :D :D :D :D :D
Sorry if it did look suspicious, but as I said, the key is saved on my computer. All I want is to recover it. I dont want to crack it or anything like this: I legally have the key on the computer, I just can't access it.

Anyway, I now have the key written on a piece of paper. I wont have to keyloged it.

I didn't have access to the key because "of security". They didn't want us to give it to not authorized person. So they typed it themselves on each of the computers in the residence. That way, we wont "give" the key to other nearby residence's people.

I may understand that it will lower the chances of unauthorized access, but its really a simple basic idea. Also, nobody's know a thing about computers here, so you have to find the window where it ask you for the key then let the computer to the receptionist so she can type in the key.

A more secure option would be to give the key, but require to vpn to get access. That way they could control things much better.

Now that I have what I was looking for, you wont have to interpret what I want as "bad" or "good"... :)

Thanx anyway

thanks for the info and clearing that up for us big_gie i think ya get the meaning of our questioning here reading it back yourself you would of thought the same thing :)