Well, the parts arrived in the morning, were installed and now I'm reinstalling my operating systems.
Windows 98- Needed Some Driver updates, now reinstall needed
Windows 2000- BSOD, Needs Reinstalling (Fun)
Windows XP- BSOD (not as much info as 2000), Needs Reinstalling (More Fun!)
SuSE 8.0- Plain Crash, REinstalled
Red Hat 9.0 Crashed, reinstalling
I guess the change in IDE controller (and possibly to pseudo SMP) was a little too much for all but 98, I guess there is some life in it after all. Still, at least I have 2.4GHz worth of faster computer that is getting there. The retention mechanism for the heatsing was a delight to use, and I wasn't scared of crushing the CPU core a la Athlon
Windows 98- Needed Some Driver updates, now reinstall needed
Windows 2000- BSOD, Needs Reinstalling (Fun)
Windows XP- BSOD (not as much info as 2000), Needs Reinstalling (More Fun!)
SuSE 8.0- Plain Crash, REinstalled
Red Hat 9.0 Crashed, reinstalling
I guess the change in IDE controller (and possibly to pseudo SMP) was a little too much for all but 98, I guess there is some life in it after all. Still, at least I have 2.4GHz worth of faster computer that is getting there. The retention mechanism for the heatsing was a delight to use, and I wasn't scared of crushing the CPU core a la Athlon