Rebuilding registry

Hello folks,

my problems is that some programs can't be uninstalled it says no uninstall.log found. But it's there..

CIs there a program to rebuild the registry from scratch??

perhaps de problem is not at the registry, the instalation log may be lost (bad instalation or it may be deleted), and the deletion registry key still may be there, but in this conditions when you try to desinstall the program this kind of messages will appear.
I think you can install again and overwrite the old instalation and then uninstall.
Try (1) to delete all remaining program files and related windows services. Then (2) use a tool like JV16 Power Tools to locate the remaining registry settings and delete them.

If that doesn't work, you could try reinstalling, and then uninstalling the faulty program (to get everything out). Then reinstall afresh.
Why don’t you just format save you the hassle of uninstalling and reinstalling loads just Reinstall all :p or a better option windows 2000