
Maybe not a wise choice of topics on a computer forum, but I'm willing to stake something on the idea that there is other life out there.
I have four books that I have read and re-read throughout my life. I have given copies to my daughter. My copies will pass down to my granddaughters. Hers will pass to her granddaughters (when she has them).
They are:
The Thorn Birds
Giants in the Earth
Gone With the Wind

I also like to read anything by Dean Koontz and John Steinbeck.
Any other readers out there?

In No particular Order I like

Party Games <> Hans Helmut Kirst
The Gunner Asche Series <> Hans Helmut Kirst
In fact I love every book I have read written by this anti nazi German Author who died in 1989
The Godfather <> Mario Puzio
The HitchHikers Guide To The Galaxy <> Douglas Adams
The History Of Britain <> Simon Scharma (also a brilliant BBC TV Series)
The Autobiography Of Jack Charlton
Sir You Bastard <> GF Newman

& of course all the "Private Eye Annuals"

:cool: :D
hey Poacher that missed the word filter lol :)

i like STEVEN KING and a few other select horror writers

i mainly read fiction too but other than that im a 100% tech head i read techie sorta books and magazines :)

not everyones cup of tea but hey at least im learning at the same time lol :)
I used to be a big horror fan, not so much of king, but more James Herbert, Shaun Hutson, F Paul Wilson & others, styill read a few nowadays, but find i like historical books like anythin about the Templer Knights & ancient mysteries :)

BaNzI :D
the authors i still remember r sidney sheldon & frank all the bks by sidney sheldon that was available @ skul & read all the books related 2 frank herbert's Dune(6 i think in french) :D
My name is Bond, James Bond - and so the masterspy starts out, in novels where the great Ian Fleming left off.

I'd never heard of the OTHER bond writers, until I got some paperbacks from a book sale.

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Nobody Lives Forever

I'd say they were ALL better written than the post-Fleming Bond films