Raven Shield 1.50 patch


New member
Since the Raven Shield 1.50 patch that came out last night, Raven Shield (legit copy) will no longer run when i mount CD2, using either Daemon or Alcohol. It gives the same old insert CD2 error on startup (and u cant crack to play online with punkbuster, and emulation doesn't seem to help - althought i've only tried the bad sectors thingy in Alcohol, but all the options in Daemon)
Original disk image taken with CloneCD - and it worked fine before.

Please Help!

Thankyou in advance
ever wondered why they bring out so many patches for games ?!

answer: to defeat any attempts at duplication in whatever shape or form :(

cracking something is never really a great alternative to doing something the legit way !?

hopefully one of our games gurus may be able to help with a solution :)

Meanwhile can you live without an update and still get functionality !?

Least then you could play the game :)


New member
Thanks for the quick reply man, i just thought there may be some trick ;)
I'm not sure what tool to use to check the Safedisc version, clonyxxl reports 2.8 but maybe thats just cos its old (im probably not doing it right)
Unfortunately although you can play on a 1.4 server with 1.5 client, it does not work both ways... Maybe someone else will come up with a fix soon, maybe that nice Daemon Tools man! :D
What has probably happened is that the new patch has blacklisted all forms of virtual drives. It has happened with other games recently. Your best bet is to wait for an update to either Alcohol or Daemon. In the mean time I'm afraid only the original's will play.

DC Fisherman

New member
i think there are some changes in security in the patch 1.50. i have the orginial copy of raven shield and after i install the patch 1.50. it asked for cd key when i try to go online. none of the patches before 1.50 did that.


New member
In (I think this is right) this months PC Gamer in The Spy section it was explained that the new updates search for Alcohol 120, Clone CD and other software and will make the game stop working even if you own the original. The game makers even explain that in the Read Me of the patch where you have to click Accept (terms and conditions I think) but since nobody ever reads them then nobody knows.

My advice would be uninstall then reinstall the game. But after that I dunno. I avoided the patches. :D