Question about TMPGEnc...

I use to use VirtualDub and TMPGEnc to convert my Divx files into vcd's or Svcd's. I usually use the wizard with success for all the conversions I do.
For the last divx I DLded, I wanted to go without the wizard, because I try to get the VCD on one CD only (instead of two). In the wizard, I liked the last phase, because I could see the blue strip for the final size of the mpg file. When not using the wizzard, I could not find how or where to see this graphic display for the mpg file length. I've decreased the video bitrate to 1000 instead of 1150 but I'm not sure it will fit on a 80 mn cd... Is there a way to see this graphic display before starting encoding ? Or is there a way to calculate what max video bitrate I can use to get my mpg file on one cd only ?
And... another question : I presume I'll have to check 'non standard' in Nero vcd settings because it will be a kind of Xvcd, right ?
Thanks in advance.


May i Can Help You.

The Attach File is a Calc for SVCD/XVCD.

U can us it also as VCD Calc. I Hope ;)

And... another question : I presume I'll have to check 'non standard' in Nero vcd settings because it will be a kind of Xvcd, right ?

Test 2 Burn the MPEG. If Nero say nothing he likes the Stream, and u can Burn him as a Normal VCD.

So i Hope my bad English help you a little.


Hi nEo_JeRiChO
Thanks for the calculator. I'm gonna try it right now :)

And... don't worry about your English when you reply to me. Just look on the left side, at where I'm from :rolleyes:
Your first comment about getting a VCD onto 1 CD. Impossible unless the movie length in minutes is less than the minute legth of the CDR your burning to. VCD have "chiselled in stone" specifications and if you change them, they are now XVCD and no guarentee they will play in anything. If you change from VCD setting and Nero still accepts it as "normal" VCD, it will still be an XVCD.

TMPGEnc will not give you any graphical length of cd unless your in Wizard mode. (I take your word for that as I have NEVER ever run TMPGEnc in Wizard mode)

If you wish to put a movie as an XVCD onto one CD, have a read of Sefys famous templates from, they can do it. Just remember, they are non-compliant of standard VCD and no guarentee they will play on your equipment or anyone elses.

To fit one movie to a CD, it is better to saty with standard VCD and use either 90min or 99min CDR's if your burner can handle them. Thats what I do, by the way as my LiteOn can burn a 99min cdr (or 1008 mb mpg file).
hi jazzman

I have found if you are going to make a noncomlient VCD you are beter of doing it to a SVCD as it will play in more DVDplayers.
I have put 120min on 80min CD and it still plays on all DVD that I have tryed but auido sink can be a big problem

Swag Man
Thanks ChickenMan for the link. I use to visit, but I did not know about these Sefys templates. I've downloaded them last night and I think I'm going to try them soon. I have also to try some 90mn or 99mn medias (if I can find them !). I guess my Plextor PXW 401240A will accept them (at least the 90 ones) and I know there is no problem about them with Nero.
@SwagMan Thanks. I'm going to do some tests, but I know that audio will be the problem though !