PS2 DVD Copy - How to?

After the "Copy a movie" questions, it's time to ask about this... :D
I have copied PSX games in the past using Nero and a patch for some games... it was simple...
The question is, could i copy a PS2 game to a DVD-R just by using DVD Decrypter (to make an image) then apply a patch (if needed) and burn the DVD-r?
Could you point me to the right direction?
The tutorials that i have read are about proggies that i never used so far...
ThanX! :)
I have already installed Nero, DVD X Copy and DVD Decrypter on my PC... any conflicts that you are aware of between thesse proggies and RecordNow Max?
OK, i used RecordNow Max and just made an image of a game!
At this point there is a critical question... how do i know that i'm ready to burn and play the copy?
I have a chip on my PS2 but i have heard that some games are protected... there are 2 kinds of protection if i'm not wrong... if the game is protected i have to apply a patch, right?
So, does anybody knows about any site that says which games are protected and which aren't?
ThanX in advance! :D
I have found using REcordNow DX or MAX the most simple and effective method. Just select 'New Job' then 1:1 copy.. I use the DVD Burner to read and make an temp image, then of course use the Writer to burner the image.. havent had a problem, all work perfectly..