PS2 Backup for StupidFolk?

Hi, could someone give me some tips on how to use the D/DVD Generator appz?

I've tried the following the link provided for help...


But I'm a novice at backing up console CDs and I'm finding it very difficult!! There's SO MANY settings that need to be added and I haven't a clue what to put in the various boxes and/or where to find out this info??? things like...

Master Disk Information
Copyright Holder
Producer Name
Volume Identifier
Volume Set

Etc etc...!!!!!

I haven't a clue where to start?!!?

Is there someone out there that's mastered how to use this appz?

The hardware I'm using is a Toshiba DVD SD-M1502 and a PlexWriter 24/10/40A, OS can be WinMe or XP
Has anyone tried using this Plextor writer with this appz?

Many thanx for any help information given
