Problems with Pioneer DVR-105 (a05)

DVD said:
what does the firmware do?????
is there one for the SONY DRU-500A???

Yep.....check wich one you have.....1.0.g is the latest 1...
Firmware can improve reading,burning and compatibility issues....
thx roadworker
i got 1.0 g from a jap website!! is that ok does that matter???
there all the same , innit??
@ Botchka,and others with Dvd burning problems.I just wonder if your power supplies are up to the task.We have gone through a lot of troubleshooting without results.I also wonder if changing from Windvd to Power dvd might get you going(running out of ideas).

I thought my power supply might be an issue since it was only 300 watts. So last week I bought an Antech Performance 1080AMG - SOHO File Server

with a 430W TruePower supply, transferred all the hardware of to the new case and still have the same issue.

Interesting to note the similarities to the problems and systems in this thread:
to my system. I too have hard drives on the RAID controlled being used as another IDE. I've got the latest VIA Hyperion drives installed.

Even with 5 case fans my CPU can heat up to 54C if I ask it to do some work.
A friend has his A05 in a Celeron 400 system and it burns fine without any problems. Mostly at 1x or 2x, even on the fly backup of a backup. So you dont need a fancy system to burn sucessfully.

I think the problem lies in your IDE drivers (VIA ones or Promice ones) or cables or just a problem with your M/B BIOS. I was running mine on a 300 watt PS without probs initially but have increased it to a 450watt PS because of some other added eqipment and all is still fine.
Don't think it is the Power Supply

Even though I have a 300W supply, I really don't think this is it.
For the following reasons:
- The drive works fine burning CDs. The system does not just restart. It does it only with DVDXCopy.
- I have nothing else special on the system. No hard-core equipment there... ;)

To me it very much looks like driver issues. I will also try the cable thing but am pretty sure that's not the case as well as it was working perfectly well with the olr CD-RW burner that I used.

In any case, I'll re-install WinDVD or swicth to PowerDVD to first nail down the playback problem.

I intend to break this one.. ;) and will let you all know what the hell the problem was...

I again want to thank you all for continuous support and ideas and will continue until I solve it.

I also did not try burning my own home videos on DVD which is something I plan to do with DVD Workshop and will get back to this thread to report...

One down... one to go

Here's an update for ya:
Got the A05 (105) to play DVDs now!!!
I uninstalled WinDVD and installed PowerDVD instead. I am not sure what would have happened if I just re-installed WinDVD and after all I went through, I don't even want to try...
I installed PowerDVD and than , unlike WinDVD , I had a problem with the region setting. The drive just did not play any DVD movie. Whether it was regions 1 (that was the region of my 105 when I bought it) or regions 2,4. PowerDVD popped up a message saying that there's an error and that it won't play the DVD. I , by the way, had ELBY's RegionKiller installed - which did not help.
So... I uninstalled RegionKiller and installed DVD Region-Free , which solved my Region setting problem and not my 105 plays any DVD movie!!!!!
So - first problem is solved by what could be a combination of:
- ASPI Layer refreshed with ForceASPI 1.7
- DVDXCOPY uninstalled completely for now
- WinDVD uninstalled
- PowerDVD installed - works perfectly
- RegionKiller uninstalled
- DVD Region Free (1.35) trial installed.

THANKS AGAIN to all the wonderful people that contributed to this thread. I intend to check and burn DVDs as well - to complete the picture and will post my results on this thread

Warm Regards
Final note - ALL works well now!!!

I wanted to let you know all that I have already burnt two DVDs with my 105. Both using DVD2One/RecordMax to backup a DVD as well as my own home videos made with DVD Workshop and burnt with DVD Decrypter.
DVD plays videos just great with PowerDVD and DVD Region Free.
My next step is to see if DVDxCOPY runis this ideal situation I am in... ;)

I want to thank everyone again for your great support! I wish I can help as well with my knowledge as it builds up.

Warm Regards
@Botchka.Thanks for the update.Glad you have things working.;)

I personally had no problems after installing my A05.Unfortunately,quite a few people are having problems after installing Dvd burners(the Sony as well).

I looked through your thread and didn't see if you had the proc or video card o/c. I have my proc and video card o/c. The video card not sure if can cause a prob but I know that o/c the processor can. I installed my 105 and worked for a while and had my Tbird 950 o/c to 1100 by multiplier and fsb. After a day or two wouldn't boot. Brought the o/c down(can't remember if it was the fsb or the multi. as I just remembered this similar prob). Maybe this will or will not help. I know it didn't reboot for you till you were in DXC but maybe you got luckier than me. I have to o/c as all my stuff is OOOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDDDD.

Abit KT-7
Athlon Tbird 950 o/c 1100
WD 30 GB
Geforce 2 MX200 o/c the piss out of it.
256 pc133
Pioneer DVD-R 105
425 Power Supply
No money to upgrade
Will dance for computer upgrades as I am out of telecommunications tech.