Problems with NERO and Plextor Px40TS?????

If I use the later versions of nero the cd copy option doesn't work correctly.

Read to an image and you get ecc edc errors when reading any cd using the plextor px40ts.

I have a few friends with the same problem.
Use nero and everthing is fine and no errors are picked up.

You may say why don't I use if that works ok.

The reason I need to use is because I am upgrading to windows xp pro.

Can anybody offer any help?

I have already upgraded to the latest firmware, this doesn't help.
Hi bud .Welcome to the forum.Nero is a pain...everybody is having problems at every forum I see.Nero (Ahead) regularly blacklist serials.Everytime you upgrade Nero you take a chance of blacklisting a serial. Some companies even update the current software version within days to disable serials.5518 might work with XP.

If you upgrade to 5551 you should uninstall Nero and clean the registry before you upgrade to XP.Make sure it(5551) is working properly first,before the Xp upgrade.Also, after the Xp upgrade be sure to update the aspi layer.Forceaspi should be okay.

XP is proving to be a pain with Nero.It seems it either works or it doesn't.I have had great success with Vob 6.02.with Xp.It does everything Nero does,and more.It will even do protected discs(with the proper hardware).

Oh,I have had Nero 5540working fine with Xp.I did not download from Ahead(Nero)I used an archive/serial from a site.;)
Thanks for the advice.

I have even installed nero after a clean install of xp,
I have then run it full functioning demo mode, I still get the same problem.
Well it sounds like a bug in Nero.Most of the newer versions are buggy.Is your cd writer able to read the the cd's?Try 5518 and see if it works.

Beyond that,I'm not sure.Running out of ideas with this software.:(
This is a known problem with Nero latest versions

I have the problem with my Plextor 32TS under Windows 98SE

I am told this has been cured in the latest Betas V5.5.5.4/V5.5.5.6

These are available from the Cdrsoft main page.
Further to my last post

You will find if you look under Media Info, that the program is mis-interpretting mode 1 cd's, as mode 2.

This is obviously causing the problem.

If you attempt to copy a genuine mode 2 disk, it works ok
Nero and XP

Looks as if the new versions of Nero are causing problems with Plextor CDRom drives.

I am using version without problems.
Upgraded to version and everything works fine.
Now version gives me ECC errors!
Even the newest XP official release reports ECC errors only on my Plextor CDRom!
No problems when reading from the Yamaha or the Pioneer.
Looks as if Plextor support is botched.

Going back to version for now.

When they release a newer version I will give it a try.
