Problem with languages after using IFO-Edit

After ripping a movie with SmartRipper I created some new ifo-files and then tested the whole thing with PowerDVD.

The strange thing is that now the player always chooses a different language (in my case english instead of german) when I play the movie. Then I have to switch to german manually.

I had the same problem when I copied the files to a DVD-RW and tested it on my standalone-player.

Does anybody have a clue how to solve this problem?


players always choose the first audio stream ... in your case english is the first audio stream ...

btw. have u created u IFOs (deleting old ones and creating new one with ifoedit) or what ?

After ripping a movie to my harddrive I get some files which look like that: VTS_07_0.VOB which causes problems on my DVD-player. In order to change them to VTS_01_0.VOB I write these files into a new folder using Ifo-Edit (using VobExtras). Ifo edit then creates new ifo-files and changes the labels of the vob-files.

But nevertheless I keep the original ifo-files in the source-folder because ifo-edit seems to look for them at the end of the process. I made the experience that if they are not present then the audiostreams are labeled like that: Audio1, Audio2 ... instead of English, German......

The strange thing is that PowerDVD plays the movie even if the files dont begin with VTS_01_0.VOB and then it plays the correct language. But after the process I have described above the DVD-player and PowerDVD as well choose English instead of German.

What can I do about that? Has anybody a clue?


1.´s not strange that PowerDVD is able to play it ...even when u leave it as VTS_07_0.vob....
this is cause it´s a software player ... the "rules" (standard) isn´t that strict as the standard from a standalone player ...
a disc should always start with Video title set 1 ...

2. it´s also not very strange that ifoedit names them Audio1 and Audio 2 ...cause how should IfoEdit know what stream belongs to which language ... such infos r in ifo files ;)

3. there r some things u could do ....
the hard way:
re author the disc and put the German Audio Stream at the first positon.
maybe the easy way:
switch on your DVD standalone player without a disc in it the setup button on your IR control ... then u get into the "root" setup menu ... here u can select which language should be played first ... select german ... or what ever .. ;) this should also work ...

Thanks a lot for your hint I will try it immediatelly. What programm should I use to re-author the movie? Is there one that works with Windows 98 SE?

There's still another problem I have encountered: If I use the original Ifo-files, correct them with Ifo-Edit and then burn the files to a DVD-RW the following happens (not always but sometimes): The player displays a play message but the screen remains black; then I press "Stop" and then "Play" again. After that the movie plays without problems and also this language problem seems to be solved. If I then open and close the tray again the same problem reoccurs.

Has anybody a clue what I did wrong??

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yeah ... I think that´s a prob of IfoEdit ... it occures sometimes ... If u remove the menu ..u should always create new ifos ...

I had same prob player always displayed "MENU" after pressing "stop" and then "play" everything was alright ...

hmm... u should install Win2k or Xp ...cause of NTFS file system (file size bigger than 4gb)
I think most Authoring sofwares work with 98... but if u exceed the file size limitation u will get some probs ;)
