Problem while copying Medal of Honor:Spearhead...


New member
I've tried several times to copy the game using the combination ClonyXXL CCD4Profiler and CloneCD but during the image reading procedure i was getting all the time read errors...At last the image was not complete and the program couldn't finish the procedure...I tried then Alcohol120% but nothing came out again...What's the problem?The game is protected by SafeDiskv2.8...HELP!


New member
The cd reader is Relisys52x and the cd writer is plextor16/10/40A...but the writer doesn't work!I am mainly interested in keeping an image file of the i don't need the recorder yet!
Well it is my understanding that it is protected with Safedisc v2.80.01 which means read errors (at least for the first 2% or so), if you are having trouble with them then try doing a fast dump.

Next problem is the fact that your writer can't handle the weak sectors well at all. Even with AWS or whatever you still probably won't get a working copy.