Problem Copying Microsoft Suite Disk 6?

Well usually I just put the disk in. Set the type of media it is: Data, Game, Audio, Mixed.
So I did as I always do. I noticed that the drive slowed way down during the reading
process. I'm using the latest version of Clony and my drive is a

TDK CDRW 121032

I don't know what I did wrong but something isn't right. I know b/c I took the original
Disk and I put it in the drive and ran the program: Microsoft Streets and Trips 2001.
Then I made a map and all that and then I made a start point. After that I took my burned
copy of the disk (which was burned with data settings on Clony) and did the same thing.
When I tried to create the same map and start point my comp froze. I'm running win 2000
and it doesn’t hardly ever lock up like that. So I was wondering if yall had any
suggestions about how to fix this.
yeah well thanks for at least saying somthing. I've tryed to update it but with no sucsess. I don't know if i can just get a setup update or have to get a new disc. Not really sure.

I had to INSTALL Streets and Trips from main menu and I did the FULL thing vs use CD. You trying to RUN it from CD only? It loads SO much onto the HD.