Pool of Radiance - not protected?

Just checking out the forum before backing up POR - on the list as being a SafeDisc v2 title.

When I used Clony to identify the disc it said 'unprotected'.

When I searched the CD it did NOT have any 0000000.tmp file.

When I read an image with CloneCD I don't get the read errors in the sectors up to 10017.

Is my version not protected by SafeDisc v2 like yours?

I'm in Australia, and the game isn't called Pool of Radiance "2" here.

Any ideas?
Hi bud.The full title is Pool of Radiance 2-Ruins of Myth Drannor.It is listed as Safedisc2 at Gamecopyworld.You may have lucked out and there is no copy protection on it.The same title can have different protections in different regions.That is why a detector is so important.
Used SafeDisc v2 settings in CloneCD anyway - should this be OK if not protected too?

Off track - has anyone else had trouble running this in Win XP?