Please go out and Vote!

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[I know that Off-topic is supposed to be non-political, but I think a general appeal for Americans to exercise their right to vote is civic-minded, altruistic and non-partisan.]

So please, if you're a U.S. citizen, make sure you're registered and don't forget: GO VOTE!

If you're European, The Guardian is offering an opportunity for you to contact a registered U.S. voter and let her/him know how this election may affect your life. Have a look here.
A good point - don't complain about the result, if YOU were not part of it.

And if you don't like either of them, write "None of the Above" on your paper - they still have to count them, and the proportion of "spoiled papers" should also be noted in the results.

And with the observation that you SHOULD perform your civic duty, it's time to close this thread to prevent a flame war - WHO you vote for, is up to you!
LTR12101B said:
And with the observation that you SHOULD perform your civic duty, it's time to close this thread to prevent a flame war - WHO you vote for, is up to you!
I agree and I couldn't have said it better myself.:)
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