Pioneer 106-s and DVDr ????????????

Hi boys and Girls.
I have just installed my NEW Pioneer A-04 (OEM) and to go with it a Pioneer 106-s (OEM) with the view to backing up ALL my PS2 games.......since this DVDr burning is very new to me i have been playing about with it a little ......... i have backed up a lot of my files ( 4.4Gb worth ) onto a Datasafe DVDr ( blue and white top ) with Primo DVD.Now this resulting DVDr burn reads fine in the A-04 but the 106-s will not read it at all :( which i found very strange for a PC DVD rom.So ... a friend of mine has already backed up MGS2 onto a Datasafe (gold top) DVDr and it would not read this either very very strange ....... is my drive dead already ????? or is it the norm for this drive ?????.The reason i bought it was i read somewhere on the web ( a forum probs ) that this was the drive to have is this the case ????.It will however read a DVD movie OK :confused: .Any reccomendations as to what drive everyone else out there thinks is the BEST and the one i should buy would be very greatfully received ;) .Thanx to ALL who read and reply to this post ......................

Ps i have installed the latest firmware and still no good
HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you wont to copy an original dvd ps2 DONT.
The original dvd dont copied as it.
The boot sector of this dont copied.
You will copy only backups (dvdr releases) like h**p:// --->releases--->ps2 dvd-r


--> moved the thread to the right place ;)

hmm.. I had nearly the same problem with pioneer 116 dvd-rom.. It accepts noname DVD-r but it doesn´t like them very much ;) I used DVD-Rs from w* ... now I use Princos from w* ... they work great on pioneer 116 ..readspeed between 2.5x speed and 5.5x speed .. I think thats very good for this cheap recordables 1.59 USD (I think)... Apple branded aren´t much better !!

P.S. I didn´t want to advertise here cause I don´t get money for it ;) ... but princos work really good .. + shipping to EU (from shop4tech) worked also fine ...
