Pagefile.sys & hiberfil.sys question???

I installed eDonkey few days ago (after removing all spyware using Ad-aware). When it connect to a server, a message appears saying "ERROR: Couldn't hash pagefile.sys and
ERROR: Couldn't hash hiberfil.sys"

My OS: Windows XP pro, corporate edition

I was looking some information about this *.sys files, and I found in this forum that pagefile.sys is at the boot partition. Perhaps it doesn't find becouse I have a dual boot system win98/winxp using as boot loader software "system commander 7.05".

My OS is working ok, and when I saw this messages at eDonkey I asked to myself what this *.sys files are for, and if it's important or not they couldn't be found.
I bet you share the whole harddisc. you have to set a share folder in the options, otherwise edonkey tries to share everything, if you set sharefolder to c:\ or whatever your harddrive is. so when it hashes, it hashes everything in your share folder, incl. the system files.
set the share folder to c:\edonkey or something
At the share folder options, I pick up only one folder to share, with programs and games. I understand your post, why this message appears, you think becouse I share everything incluiding system files, but I just mark one folder.