operating system

Definatly Windows XP.
Home or Pro depends upon your needs as Pro is more secure if several users are using the machine as you have more options to set levels of permission.

As long as you have a Windows 98/ME CD I advise going for the upgrade version.

You can do a clean installation, you just need the Windows CD to authenticate that you are upgrading. (A copy will do) ;)

XP is the most future proof Windows OS available and is now very stable.(Bulletproof compared to Windows 98(&SE)) :D I expect that all but the oldest software/hardware will work okay and once you get use to XP you'll not want to go back to a previous version of Windows.

If you upgrade your hardware and have to contact Microsoft to authenticate your system. Don't worry about it.

I have just updated my computer and when instructed to phone I did so and mentioned that I might be swapping my harddrive between two boxes until everything was stable and asked if this would be a problem. It isn't....You can update what you want, when you want as long as you ain't running multiple computers with the same serial no. :D :D :D
To Gilbert

Hey Gilbert, sorry to contact you this way but you have your email blocked from here. My brother has an AGFA scanner, he was told the same thing you were told, that is, Agfa does not produce Xp drivers for their old scanners. However, it appears someone privately wrote a driver for XP and 2K that works just fine. Obviously, I don't know that ypur scanner will be the same, but, if you still have it and would like to make it work you may want to contact my bro and find out the details. Feel free to email me. :cool:
XP Pro or 2K are the obvious choices (for me anyway). I lucked out with both. Neither one has even burped for the past few months.

Funny no one has mentioned Win 3.1 and performance. hehehe :D

I would love to go to WinXP but every article is driver PROBLEMS big time even programs w/o drivers. Then w edo not kno wHOW much spywar ei sin XP. Then we have MS w/thier own versins of everything even burners and harassment for OTHER versions of them.
I went from DOS to WinMe (no instructions needed and GREAT). Now every program is compatable with it. I do favor in PRINCILPE 2000 as a business end but 98/2000 have SECURITY problems I think WinMe avoids. That is very favorable!

Duron 700
Asus MB The problem if any.
only 20 gig but 80 ready to go
ATI DDR video and NEC 19".
Creative Audigy audio and 5.1 speakers.

I am having a ball since audio/video upgrade.

I cannot afford it but reselling JUNK paid for it all.

WinMe runs BETTER with my upgrades.

One hint, I and psudo in the Virgin Islands and have had a LOT of MS updating. I think some anti spy stuff as upgrading to XP status.

XP might be ready by year's end. For home use WinMe is simple and great. EVERY darn XP article is harware/software problems.

Any insights to XP spyware in FULL?

What a revoltin' development.
Win98SE is not bad at all

Ive used Win98SE for 2 years and found it very stable with IE5.5 SP2. As I use high speed, I can surfer the internet, hear the music and do other things at the same time. I have no prob while downloading 10 files at once by using DAP. I dont intend to upgrade my OS to Win2k or WinXP unless my Win98SE causes serious prob.