operating system

my system consist of the following

amd athlon xp 1700+ processor
20 gig hd
256mb ddr memory
16 x12 x 40 cd rewriter
54 x cd rom
soundblaster soundcard
geeforce 256 annihalitor pro graphics card
adsl line

please can somebody tell me which of the following operating systems is best for stability and internet

windows 98 s/edition
windows me
windows xp home
windows xp pro

thanks very much
I find win98se very stable.
A lot of people on this site use XPpro with no probs.
When I upgraded to XP i had some hardware/software problems so I changed back.
However my system is not as specced up as yours so XP should be the way to go.
When u start the installation XP checks to see if u have any hardware/software compatability probs, so you can decide there.
Also make sure you have the most upto date version of IE or whatever browser u choose.
Agreed...XP pro!

We are stuck with XP so we all have to learn it.Most new PC's are shipping with it!;)
yup Win XP certainly more stable than 98se. been using win98se for passed 2yrs whenever i do downloading with 4 channels long hrs or surfing net the system will just hang. now using Win XP Home (w/corp files) i can download, surf net, play mp3s all same time :) hmm...pro even better than home edition?
if you want stability - win 2000
if you want compatibility - win 98SE
if you want compatibility with good stability - win XP
if you want a screwed up pc - win ME

I would agree with the explanation by Shadey lol. However, I also think this would be a great learning curve for you (will take 1 week). I suggest you first install winME & play with it for just one day, then install win98SE & see much better improvement. Then install win2K & see the stability you didn't have with win98SE, then for a little bit more compatibility with games & such, go to winXP pro.
That way you can in the end decide which you liked best & want to have on your system (don't forget to format HDD & install each fresh new first). I think this order is the best, cause anything after winME will make you not complain so much lol ;) . win2K & winXP are similar in some ways, though they do both have some issues with hardware & such. Just takes a couple of days to iron things out (grabbing XP drivers for your software & hardware), but they are both well worth it!
Good luck.
What Poko just said couldn't be said better, I don't use Linux Suse or Redhead (the best two linux out there and also almost free), but I have seen those system working and they are stable and secure to work on them. The best platform you can use. The pitty is its "lack" of applications. What I mean with lack, is that many people don't use it because the system is far more complicated than windows and the GUI of the aplications is not as atractive as Windows. But as I said some times, instead of keeping there track on making a good piece of software, they just keep introducing futility things. My advice is, go for 2k, really stable althought not compatible with every game. I've tried XP yet, so I'm not going to consider it. My second choice is ME, as poco said ages far away better than 98/98SE/95. My experience with 98 and especialy 98SE is a reboot almost at an average of an hour (there was a time that i had to reboot every 15 minutes 98SE, I just kicked it and went over to ME, Not really stable but far away more than 98)



I agree with the guys who suggested Linux. Though I would recommend SUSE over Redhat anyday.
Yeah its free - if you can find and able to download it (it is rather large).
But the distributions by SUSE and Redhat arent that cheap. Cheap when compared to Windows XP of course.

However, as time goes on - there are more and more games published for the Linux platform. Though only the popular ones so far.
Don't expect brand new games for it to be released on Linux. Windows is still the platform for games. In away im stuck using it.

Application wise on Linux - you can always find a decent substitute for the windows version you would've been using previously.
In some ways better than the windows applications - less buggy.

If you've never used UNIX o/s'es or any of the Linux distributions - the transistion from windows may seem daunting at first.
But if you're prepared to read the rather large manual supplied with each distribution, it should make the transition easier.

Another thing linux is just so bloody *tweakable*, if you like that sort of thing :D. Just about anything in Linux can be altered to your liking.
Make your own kernel if you want.

For more info on Linux, all you have to do is search Redhat or S.u.S.E. on google.com
Been using Win 98/SE for approx. 2 years. it is slowly but surely is driving me nuts! Seems that it keeps hanging up more often, more error messages and have to reboot more and more. Would upgrade OS but will probably be get a new computer soon. Stay away from 98/SE. I know this is no help to topic subject, but glad I came across this Topic in the forum, opinions have been a lot of help to me personally. Thank you all :)
if it's just Internet and games, i'd say WinXP Pro

Pesonally I use Win98SE, hardware have me stuck here for ages now, would like to upgrade soon, ... but I find that it is easy to get programs that work with this OS...

Never ever, use WinME
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Actually.. it's depending on your hardware age :D

I notice you have brand new hardware so your best bet is Win Xp (pro or home doesn't matter) as long as all of your hardware are supported somehow.

For all old PC owner(who has <600Mhz <256MB RAM) please don't upgrade to Win Xp and whine. Win Xp is great but due to M$ and Intel cartel which makes ppl buy faster processor you need faster PC to run Xp. and don't forget naggy activation thingy. and less driver support for old hardware(including printer) I know there is a patch but who know what M$ would try next..

If you don't play game at all then go with Win 2000. It's basically same as Xp without pretty face.

All of previous posts are correct and very well said.

PS: however, out of my curiousity I installed win ME to see how unstable it is. so far nothing happened :D haven't crashed for a week. ;)
overdriver said:
Actually.. it's depending on your hardware age :D

I notice you have brand new hardware so your best bet is Win Xp (pro or home doesn't matter) as long as all of your hardware are supported somehow.

For all old PC owner(who has <600Mhz <256MB RAM) please don't upgrade to Win Xp and whine. Win Xp is great but due to M$ and Intel cartel which makes ppl buy faster processor you need faster PC to run Xp. and don't forget naggy activation thingy. and less driver support for old hardware(including printer) I know there is a patch but who know what M$ would try next..

I agree and disagree... I have an Abit BP6 dual Celeron 366MHz and 512MB of memory. In the hw world it is now considered ancient and intend to upgrade when the new AMD core gets available. I used to run OS/2 nearly exclusively untill about a year ago. I had installed NT4 3 years ago so to be able to use my parallel port scanner that had no drivers under OS/2. I tried W2K Pro and am now on XP Pro. I had to change my scanner as Agfa does not support it anymore and won't produce drivers but that was all.

I have excellent stability under XP Pro and leave my system running 24/7 and only reboot when changing drivers or when installing some new sw or hw that requires it. There have been maybe 4 or 6 occurences of "particular" problems where a reboot was forced but, in one year, it is not what I consider problematic.
I have to admit I have no games installed and multimedia is reduced to playing a few MP3s...
