Olympics 2012 - LONDON

To be honest I was hoping that London wouldn't get it!

Think of the Millennium Dome fiasco, the wobbly Millennium bridge, the over-budget and late Wembley stadium.

British rail and London underground, and the insane bendy-buses that have a terrible record for scrapes.

The M25 - London orbital carpark - the days when someone raced round it at insane speed were long ago, they'd probably end up with a dozen Gatso tickets now.

The congestion charge...

London is a city to LEAVE, not go to, while those on the outskirts pay the price but get nothing for it.

People will say that Live-8 was a success, but that didn't need a load of new arenas built - and the ticket issuing was a complete farce!
If its left to the present clods running London (Livingston etc) & Tony's Cronies loadsa folk will make loadsa money but the Olympics will be probably staged in Fairyland.
They should build a permanent site somewhere (Greece where it started seems fine) (All Sporting nations to Help pay)

As for Live Aid etc <> since Africa was de-colonised (quite rightly so) tens of Billions of $ & £'s etc have been thrown at it <> hasnt done much good has it.

Corrupt African Politicians cant believe it when we give more money & cancel debt they must think we are stupid.
Biggest growth industry in Africa happens in Geneva as the bank accounts grow,Bush would have done more good evicting a few African Leaders instead of Sadaam.
And this morning... while the papers are full of the Olympic bid win, the TV is full of what now appears to be the most serious terrorist incident since the peak of the IRA atrocities.