oh no, they cant do it

:( Rocky 6 He did say ill, b back and back and back or was that one of his other films:rolleyes:

whats it called:(
rocky with a zimmer
lord of my ring (hes full of s**t) so mabe 3 hours long
Rocky meets harry and breaks his broom.:p

:) :)


Stalone making less than $20 mil a picture?! Ha! Considering that he has two films in the can that still have not been released, I think this indie is the best he can do.

What MGM won't tell you...it may be a low budget indie, but Stalone will get a great deal of points from the top dollar gross. "Top dollar" gross is every dollar the film makes and "points" are precentage points. Most gross points deals in Hollywood are regular gross...ie, after the exhibiter (movie theaters 50%) and the studio take their dollars...the rest is gross. Anotherwards, each dollar the film makes Stallone gets 10 cents (he is supposedly getting 10 top dollar points ;)).

BTW, very few Hollywood actors & directors get top dollar gross points. Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks...are but a few.

Oh well, at least his wife is beautiful (ex-model) and his kids are the cutest kids you will ever meet!
my sincere opinion about rocky 6 and stalone:
don't loose time...close this thread,and see "mary poppin"!
(just kiddin)
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Well you also have Mel Gibson making another Mad Max. I know there's no comparison but this crap is getting out of hand. Have you seen Stallone recently. Their going to have to do a hell of a makeup job on his ass.
by the looks of stallone now you can see why hes doing another rocky,to fund his much needed face lift.
too many tabs (or drugs):D in the past are quickly taking its toll:D
there again there may be a job for me ,tea boy lol
parrot man:D
ABCMan said:
errr didnt i already say that (and i wasn't joking) ;)
Oh no, i just cant take it any more ! Rocky 5+1, then Rambo 3+1, the pain of it all. I think Jorel has the best idea .