Off topic chat area

Yep. Yours is a good idea Woody.
Its just like when people complain there isnt enough buses, but then say they never use public transport!
Two seperate issues here.
Sorry I hijacked your thread! :D
woody said:
You could discuss things other than Cdr,like sports,cars women,etc.;)

The "old "chatroom could also be linked too,it is still functioning.Hope that helps:)

Sports are fine, cars are fine as long as they are sporty, but women a member of that delightful gender, I feel the discussion would be more balanced if men were added to the list of topics to discuss. Although on reflection, being a woman , this (the discussion of women ) is one area of expertise I can advise on.:) LOL

I often visit the irc chatroom only to find everyone asleep. Either that or they flee when they see me :)
Well Elsamay,you may discuss the guys too.;) That won't be a problem.I think if the guys in the chatroom actually SAW you there might be more of them there.:)

@ Dave you didn't highjack my thread bud.You brought up a good point about using the Cdrsoft chatroom.;)
i got it wrong also, i thought the thread was about the chatroom lol.
i think it might be good idea to link that Mirc room with the forum and take it away from the main site,because if you chat with people in real time it can be more productive if they have a problem,(plus we get to chat to the girls like elsamay :D ).
If the irc channel is linked to the forum it becomes a warez issue.
While its linked to the main site there is no probs.
Although what goes on in private, stays private! ;)