Norcent - DWD-840


New member
HELP-Norcent DWD-840

ok i need some help finding out if this drive is worth the 100$, i cant find any reviews on it, it have the same speeds as the tdk 8x with a faster seek time anyone know something about this drive
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New member
can anyone tell me anything about this drive like is it worth my 100$, i cant seem to find anything on it anywhere, i have noticed that its speeds are the same as tdk but has a better seek time >??
First welcome.
Second any reason for a double post?
Third I would not take another Nor$hit product if they paid me.:p
If you do a search around the forum you will find my two cents on Nor$hit products!!!
So I would say don't wast your money!!!
Good luck with whatever you buy, hopefully its not nor$hit!!!:)


New member
Norcent DWD-840

nayber said:
ok i need some help finding out if this drive is worth the 100$, i cant find any reviews on it, it have the same speeds as the tdk 8x with a faster seek time anyone know something about this drive
I ordered one from Best Buy earlier today and will be leaving a post or two on my findings once it arrives and I get it installed. It appears to be a repackaged Lite-On 840S and includes the exact same software bundle and contents in the box. Stay tuned for more info.
My first thought on seeing the picture - "If that ain't a Liteon, I'll eat my hat". It has the classic Liteon layout.

Smart-X, and Smart-Burn are also Liteon-specific technology names.
Only other point I found, an unanswered (as yet) post on another forum suggestin it may be an 811S, but noting the unnlike the Liteon, the Norcent is +/- 8x where the Liteon is +8/-4

Remember though, re-brands can be better/worse than the originals, and may differ in other ways.


New member
norcent dwd-840

Any news on the reliability of this drive? I was thinking about going to Best Buy and picking one up today.