no cd patches

are no cd patches a banned subject?
im just trying to get a feel for whats banned and whats not.
maybe some revised rules so we can all read them and understand so none of us gets banned for posting the wrong subjects or whatnot.
Just point to megagames or gamecopyworld etc
BTW nobody will get banned for making a mistake.
Just for ignoring the rules on purpose or for flaming when their post is edited


Staff member
hmmz .. this is kinda decent question ..
Yeah, attaching cracks is not as good ...
I think posting links to GameCopyWorld and Megagames isn´t a problem ..
Since you need cracks to make backup copies ...
So .. yeah, please no cracks as attachment only links to place where you can get the stuff !

Thanks ! :=)
When I got a PC with hard disk, instead of a home computer with floppies, I thought the days of digging out disks when you wanted to run something were over.

Guess what, with CD's, they're back!

No-CD cracks are like CloneCD - they can be misused, but that's not all they're good for!
I'm prolly confusing this even more...but I getting confused NOW :D

So .. yeah, please no cracks as attachment only links to place where you can get the stuff !

but is that not post a warez link even if its a h**p://??, I'm not trying to be funny - so please don't flame me or come down on me like a ton of bricks :D...

making sure what to post and what not to post ;)
@freejnr a nocd patch is different to a warez proggy bro, as you can legally use a nocd patch for your own backed up software,
you still have to kill the link, EG: _http:// or h**p:// beacuse live links are still not allowed. :)
As NB says.
Just go to a site that specialisise in no cd cracks like gamecopyworld etc.
Its not a warez thing really, just they are the best place for them.