Using Asus A7V333, Pioneer 104 as secondary master, was shipped with 1.10 firmware, flashed it with region cracked 1.20 firmware from h**p:// works perfect.Using Nero 5578 (shipped with drive) and Prassi Primo 2.0.
Didn't really have any problems from the start apart from probs erasing dvd-rw'w and some bad Bulkpaq dvd-r's that jumped, updated firmware to see if it was that, it wasn't! Changed dvd-r's and all is well.
Can recomend region cracked firmware!
The util on same site(h**p:// allows flashing of 1.2 firmware with 1.2 firmware, so may allow you to go back to 1.1 if you don't like it, or back to genuine Pioneer 1.2.
Hope this helps