New firmware for the A03/04



yeah ..but it is better than stick with your present config and "nothing" is ok ...




I know. I didn't realize this DVD / Video capture / Conversion stuff was going to be so difficult. Looks like I'm in for another degree in my computer education.

BTW... where did you move my post about the DVD / Nero 5582, or did it get killed due to similatity to this thread?


hmm... it shouldn´t be so difficult ... I put my A03 into pc and ...voila .. it worked ;)

I moved it to the Junk Forum ... the place where double postes end ;)



Well... The folks at Hyper Microsystems really let me down. They made a shipment that got here yesterday allright. The box felt really light. When I opened it I found a SCSI (4 channel) RAID controller.

Man was I pissed. I called and the guy there (Alex) said he would overnight the drive to me. He gave me a tracking number and sure enough it arrived at the air port at 6am. The only problem is that FEDEX isn't open for will call or delivery on SAT....
Screwed until I get back from vacation I guess...

On the positive side, my Pinnacle Studio AV 7 got here on Thursday and works GREAT!:)

So much better then that ATI/USB crap I just RMA'd. I'm sold on Pinnacle now. I love the PERFECT results, first time thing. It's the only good thing (computerwise) that's happened in a month.
Using Asus A7V333, Pioneer 104 as secondary master, was shipped with 1.10 firmware, flashed it with region cracked 1.20 firmware from h**p:// works perfect.Using Nero 5578 (shipped with drive) and Prassi Primo 2.0.

Didn't really have any problems from the start apart from probs erasing dvd-rw'w and some bad Bulkpaq dvd-r's that jumped, updated firmware to see if it was that, it wasn't! Changed dvd-r's and all is well.

Can recomend region cracked firmware!
The util on same site(h**p:// allows flashing of 1.2 firmware with 1.2 firmware, so may allow you to go back to 1.1 if you don't like it, or back to genuine Pioneer 1.2.

Hope this helps



yeah mate ..had the same problem with noname DVD-R ... bought a 100 pack .. I think 10 out of them caused problems (cause they r damaged) ...
I use now PRINCO ..they work fine !



I got my new drive a few days ago and it's working okay, but nothing to brag about.

I got the very same communication errors that the 1st RMA'd drive gave so I started changing settings.

I found that the drive burns fine in PIO mode, and next I diasabled the UltraDMA mode in BIOS and found that WinXP placed the drive in Multi-Word DMA mode 2, which also burns fine.

It's only in UltraDMA that the errors crop up. I've finally burned a few DVD-R's and DVD-RW's.

Now here's my next question.

How come NERO 5582 will only show the option to burn a DVD-R at 1x speed? I'm using a "DigitalMedia" General Purpose DVD-R.

Is it the Media, NERO, or the drive (perhaps due to transfer mode) that is causing it to burn only at 1X?

Help! I just ordered an A04 (104) DVD Burner, and now the link to h**p:// has been shut down. Anyone have the firmware file to get rid of the RC2 (macrovision too?)? Thanks in advance!
To all peeps that have an A03/04..
Keep ya A03/04 in PIO mode...
it is slower then UDMA at read discs in thats all.
But is it not better to read the disc in at a slower speed(less errors)

I have am A03 with XP Pro installed using NTFS files
system on all HDs.

crjackson..all dvd-r discs will only write at 1x unless there have
passed a test by Pioneer. even if the shops/web sites sell them as beening 2x they WONT. In some programs (like Prassi) may say 2x but it dont do it.
I always burn at 1x even if i have got some Pioneer dvd-r discs.
less coasters.
as for ALL bios hacks go here....(cdr/dvd)



@Deuse ... there r only RPC1 patches ... I think there is still no hack out there which bypasses the media check ...

but I heard that Pioneer will remove it soon ...

btw. if I have media that supports 2x .. I burn 2x .. I don´t have more or less problems burning @ 2x ...



I found the problem to be that of NERO. I tried Stomp RecordNOW and it allows the 2x burn without problems. I went to the Ahead website and downloaded an up grade to InCD and now it also shows that CD's can be burned at 8x instead of only 6x.

I think Ahead just needs to update it's configuration file to recognize the drive properly. It does read the drive's firmware and correctly identify the drive, but it only uses generic configuration settings.

I looked into the configuration database file and the drive isn't listed. It's only a text file. If I knew exactly what to enter into the thing I'm sure I could do it my self.

Thanks for the info...
the link to ht*p:// still works fine.....replace the * with a "T" the patched firmware is'll need to d/load the flash util if you're using 1.20 firmware, as Pioneer's flasher won't allow overwriting 1.20 with 1.20.

I write at 2x on Verbatim dvd-r with no probs in Nero, expensive though.


I purchased a pioneer DVD - A04 In last month it already has firmware 1.20 and drive is connected to firewire and works fine ,only wish these dvd burners could burn faster


hmm...2x isn´t that slow mate .... 2.8mb/s

btw. u should ha´ve waited some time... for 4x models ..



trunks said:
Has anyone tried the Pioneer DVR-104 1.30 Firmware?
I've not seen any DVR-104 v1.30 Firmware. Where did you find that?

its posted here under dvd-r


and RPC1 patch here

I would not bother with the 1.30 firmware as it is released by Sony (with Sony PCs) not Pioneer to fix a specific problem.

Also this firmware disables one of the lights on the front of the drive and could cause additional problems when upgrading to newer offical firmware from Pioneer.