Nero - Problem burnings


New member
I'm using DVD stripper and then DVD shrink to get my DVD down to the correct size and then when I burn using Nero I get a problem. The burning process gets to 100% but it won't finalise, it says "illegal disc" and then "could not perform end of disc at once". I know there is an option to take this off but I still get the same problem. I've also tried 3 different types of blank DVD's and tried it with numerous DVD's.

Can anybody help me please?
Welcome to the forum!What Dvd writer do you have?What version of Nero are you using?

There is a Nero removal tool on their site.Useful from going version 5 editions to version6.


New member

I use Nero version 6 and my burner is a NEC DVD-RW ND-1300A, any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
Okay..not sure.As long as you're under 4.38 gigs it should finalize.The Plextor 708A was having problems like this,but a firmware upgrade fixed it.

There's a program called batchdisc that will close the dvd's.You just type in 'finalize' to close the disc,a google search should find it.Can't be anymore help because I don't use Nero anymore.