nero burning at 1.380kb sec not 2.700kbs

Why is my copy of nero only letting me burn dvdrs at 1.380 kbs/sec and not 2.700 kbs/sec, I have a pioneer A04 that is suppossed to burn at 2.7 maximum speed, surely it is not my pc that is the problem, the spec is 1.6 pentium 4, 512mb ram.

Is there any boxes I need to tick untick.


hmm.. I depends on your DVD-R Brand ... u r using none Pioneer 2x certified media... your burner doesn´t allow u to burn @ 2x speed... it´s only possible with few types ... they aren´t the cheapest :) )


El Presidente is right.

Despite, DVD burning as any other PC process is a chain, where you go to the speed of the slowest process in the chain...

Pioneer A04 / 104 can burn 2x.
Nero and other softwares can do it also.

BUT... Pioneer signed an agreement where the "codes" recorded and identifying the recording media (DVD-R) to tell the software and the hardware that the media is able to be recorded at 2X, where only given to certain japanese media manufacturers.

Then Pionees (of course) and some others will only be recognized to be able to be recorded at 2X. The vast majority of others not....

It is supposed that the agreement will be ending at the end of MAY (to what I have read).. so, in the "near" future we will be able to record other non-priviledged brands at 2X.

Probably, another reason why we should be looking forward for another name to the DVD, because with things like region codes and 2X priviledges, etc... the "V" from VERSATILE should be dropped from the name... probably DD wil be enough... Digital Disk...




It is supposed that the agreement will be ending at the end of MAY (to what I have read).. so, in the "near" future we will be able to record other non-priviledged brands at 2X.

that would be great .. nice info ;)
