Nero & Win XP Pro !!!!

Can anyone help me. I installed the lastest Nero v. on my

Win XP Pro, rebooted and my CD-R icon in My Computer

disappared! What's going on? Please help.

Hi bud.Welcome to the forum!It sounds like an aspi problem.Use the aspi files for Win2K or just get Forceaspi at the cdrsoft dowloads page.That should fix it!


I have the same version Nero and XP Pro running very happy together. I must admit I haven't touched anything in XP Pro, so answer the Q poko asked and we'll see what we can do.
I have the same problem with PlexWriter 8x4x32 IDE. First of all I installed Prassi Primo CD : OK burning OK. Then I installed Nero and recorder is marked yellow in control panel with error code n. 41. Plex disappeared on my computer and it's inaccessible.Help me. Thank!!!!
Same problem as Ethron. I had nero running fine with XP, then upped to and lost my DVD & CD-R. Manually removed all Nero traces, yet still can't recover D or E drives. Get error code 19 in hardware mgr, corrupted registry. NEC DVD and Sony CRX 140E are recognized, but won't allow a driver up or reinstall. Have tried everything. No Win burn update installed, ASPI(4.60(1021)) is fine, I also ran Clone, Padus DJ, BR/BW, CDRWin, & NTI with no probs until now. Any manual reg entries to fix this would be appreciated!!
Nero & XP Diasappearing Drive Solution

Finally got both my drives back, found this reg fix on a Microsoft page dealing with Adaptec and disappearing/corrupted drives. After deleting ALL traces of ahead/nero from registry, perform the following :

Remove the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values completely from the following registry key:


Hope this helps and works for others with the same problem.
I resolved (after new installation) disabling any check box in the item "registration", on the properties my recorder. Then I installed Force Aspi for NT and then I reboot. After a new installation of Nero all right.
The registry fix works for me also. Thanks.
Nero5551 caused this problem on my WinXp Pro. I uninstalled it then fixed registy now OK.
I am using CloneCd it works fine. But I need second cd burning software to burn files from my harddisk.
any suggestion?
esen71 said:
The registry fix works for me also. Thanks.
Nero5551 caused this problem on my WinXp Pro. I uninstalled it then fixed registy now OK.
I am using CloneCd it works fine. But I need second cd burning software to burn files from my harddisk.
any suggestion?
With the registry fix, Nero works for me. You may want to try to install that. If your drives disappear again, do the fix again...
What exactly to remove

Hi there -

having the same damn problem with a missing cdr, after applying Nero...

Removed Nero completely , and it works again...

But would like to use Nero, so could u guys spell it out for me, what exactly to remove from the previously shown Reg entry..

So serious....

Nero has done so well through the many months...

Maybe i should finally try and make a switch for my other file burning....

so thanx anyway...
The Culprit Is CloneCD

If you install Nero before CloneCD, then your CDR drive would not be disappeared. It seems that the latest CloneCD did not fixed the "severe unstall" problem - even though Ollie claimed he did. Trust me I have been thru about 15 Ghost restores and no result because my Ghost image had CloneCD in it. I only solved when I used my basic Ghost image, which has nothing on it except for WinXP itself. In the mean time, I will wait until Ollie releases a new version of Clone.
