Need help with audio PLEASE!


New member
I have a mpeg file and it play fine but with no audio. i used tmpge to encode it from xvid and once its encoded into mpeg it has no audio. What can i do to solve this problem?
Probably due to the fact that the original file used VBR mp3 audio and as such it was not converted by TMPGEnc.

Load the original in VirtualDub/VirtualDubMod and you will get a message/warning if it does indeed use VBR mp3 audio. You can then demux and convert it to mp2 using BeSweet or HeadAC3e.

Lastly take your old MPG and use it as a video source to multiplex with the new audio using TMPGEnc's MPEGTools.


New member
grant_c2003 : it could be that the original file's audio stream is AC3. Try checking the original XviD file using The Faimous One's Codec Finder.

Just a note - before converting XviD etc, be sure to set TMPGEnc's DirectShow Multimedia File Reader to 2 or 4 (just so it's at the top of the list) before conversion. (Option>Environment setting...>VFAPI plug-in tab).

I've found that TMPGEnc can handle AC3 by itself, and possibly VBR MP3, if the Moonlight Odio Dekoda v1.23 is installed (read this note if you decide to install it - .mk extensions).
TMPGEnc works fine for XviD with the default settings. If it did use AC3 and there were no suitable decoders installed, then TMPGEnc never would have loaded the file as an audio source. The thing about VBR mp3 is that TMPGEnc tends to load it fine as an audio source, but then doesn't convert it.