Need Drivers For My Modem... please help

Hi everyone, in a side project computer i recently put in an old "Rockwell 97" modem and for the past couple of days have been searching high and low for drivers for this modem, but i have had no luck.

If anyone can help me with drivers for a...

Rockwell 97
R6761 - 27

or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.


Treat with care - a Rockwell ACF hardware modem, probably the best modem chipset EVER - I assume it's an ISA card?

Drivers and firmware - the Firmware can be upgraded to support V90, but take care to find the right country and model.

If you can get it to respond as a COM port, you can ask it for info (using a terminal program) by ATI commands - ATI1 to ATI11 should deliver useful results, and if I recall my Rockwell's, AT&V1 reports detail of the last connection speeds - initial and ending.

Sorry to leave mine behind, but the Intel HaM controllerless (PCI) was a good replacement - enough done in hardware not to have the meteoric CPU usage of a softmodem.

Forget driverguide for modems, unless you enjoy wallowing through an ill-sorted collection - Modem-help is your first and only call (got me out of a spot many times)

The version of the site has a feature that seems to have been lost from the newer (.com) version
The ATI response info table - Now I'd expect the ATI6 response to be "RCV56DPF L8570A" - for the standard 1/2 Mb ACF - and the chip number confirms it to be the 1Mb (single mode - can be K56 or V90 but not dual)

There are some other unusual ATI responses which are practically maker specific - of course, if you can read anything that appears to be a model number on the board or label, or a FCC ID, then that saves a lot of detective work.