ne1 backup Shrek 2 successfully


it's a r1 dvd...

when using dvd2svcd.....the dvd is out of sync....was really surprised......

next, i tried dvd appeared to be ok....until watchin a few frames.....the video portion seemed to be corrupted

yikes.....ne1 backed up Shrek 2 successfully....and with what tools

thx for advice
yep.....dvd decrypter can make an iso.....but i only have a single layer burner......the movie itself is less tha 4 there a way to write new ifo info....for the extracted vobs....

and no......have not tried dvdrez
wokybyte said:
yep.....dvd decrypter can make an iso.....but i only have a single layer burner......the movie itself is less tha 4 there a way to write new ifo info....for the extracted vobs....

and no......have not tried dvdrez

rip files with decrypter and shrink with dvd shrink :)

use more compression on menus than on movie :)

or remove any unwanted stuff like extras :)

if you want just the movie then rip just the movie using decrypter :)