MPEG-4 backers protest Microsoft license

Source. ZDNet News
January 10, 2003, 6:52 AM PT

Proponents of MPEG-4 are decrying Microsoft's new licensing fees for rival technology, saying that the pricing poses unfair competition and threatens consumer choice.
In a first-ever move for Microsoft, it set pricing this week for licensing of its audio and video compression technology, or codecs, for use on non-Windows operating systems. The company says it will charge 10 cents per decoder, 20 cents per encoder, and 25 cents for both.

In comparison, MPEG LA--a consortium of companies holding patents attached to implementations of the MPEG-4 standard--charges 25 cents per encoder and decoder, or 50 cents for both--a fee structure finalized in November. MPEG-4 is an emerging standard for the delivery of digital media on PCs, DVDs and consumer electronics.
Full info here:>


What and MPEG LA cannot lower it's fees even a little to compete with M$ rival codec? As I understand it the M$ code it not as good as the MPEG-LA code anyway... so this may be a case of you get what you pay for.

But "threatens consumer choice?" That would be like Mercedez Benz complaining that Nisaan is unfair and bad for consumer choice becase Nissan's are 1/2 the price. :p

Last time I checked, competition was good for consumer choice.

MPEG LA's consortium sounds more like a cartel. Funny that M$ is actually lowering its prices and is being competitive... considering their past reputations ;) Not that I entirely trust M$'s motives here... but ahhh competition!