mp3pro to mp3

mp3 pro 2 mp3

michel30 said:
I need also a programm from mp3pro to mp3 becorse my mp3 player (standalone car radio , dvd player , rio mp3 discman) don't play mp3pro BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD sound so I need a programm from mp3pro to mp3

try musicmatch jukebox

Thank you for the tip. I´ll keep trying that convertion. The Cool Edit Pro 2.0 reads MP3 and MP3Pro files and also saves them both, besides it converts to WAV while editing. It´s an option but it doesn´t do it in one step. If you have several tracks to convert it takes a lot of work to do.


I finally tried the mp3pro to mp3 convertion via Winamp and it works!
We must configure the "write mp3" plugin to create the file in a different folder, cause will have the same name.
Put the MP3pro files in the filelist and play. You won´t hear anything but the mp3 files will be created.
Here are the plugins:



It really takes time....I toght that was my PC´s fault.
Is the nero file convertor a part of nero or it´s another progy?
In that case, where I can find it?
Can we simply convert or need to burn to CD?
you can do 2 things but you need the nero software installed

1. drag and drop mp3pros into a new audio project and burn. they will sound fine in a normal cd player etc.

2. use the file encoding function in nero to convert between file formats.